Saturday, March 26, 2011

Discussion Question Number Two: Part Six

Usefulness of Course Assignments

Both of the assignments from this course so far have been tremendously helpful in improving a person's skills in analyzing and identifying certain arguments and concepts particularly learned from Epstein and the other Group Communications handbook. I really enjoyed doing the second assignment, seeing what the other group members had to say about the chosen organization, and what they were able to find from their online website. It's always great being able to become aware of organizations that take time out of their day to help endless people from a variety of unfortunate situations, whether it is by providing meals, clothing, or comfort, they all do something to help plenty of people feel better. Aside from learning about impact the organization creates, I also learned about the certain techniques they use to grab the reader's attention and create credibility and good reason to believe the arguments they are claiming. Plenty of organizations use celebrities to pull in the attention of readers who otherwise may not be as interested without the known figure present. Statistics also have a big part in achieving a hook and a sort of shock to keep the reader's interest. There's also a way of learning more and getting a clearer idea about these things, as well as about concealed claims, reasoning, fallacies, judgment (suspending, etc.), advertising, and emotion to appeal, and what kinds are used, or if they are presented if at all.


  1. I liked the first assignment more than the second. I made it more of a challenge because very few people knew what an editorial was. I think that the first assignment had more of a realistic aspect because editorials are more popular things than social organizations. I am curious to see if the second assignment will help me in my future plans. Maybe, but I hardly ever check out different organizations. With editorials, news is much more popular considering that the world seems to be falling apart. The first assignment had us identify an editorial and many people do not know how.

  2. Hey I agree, I thought both assignments helped everyone better understand critical thinking. But I also thought that the second assignment was more helpful and I enjoyed doing it rather than the first assignment. The second assignment opened my eyes to all the social organizations we have, and how these organizations use critical thinking to promote public awareness. Doing the second assignment went more into detail with the fallacies and other concepts we have learned. The first assignment was more about claims, the argument, and determining if it was valid or strong. I liked both assignments but I enjoyed doing the second assignment as well.
